Hello, welcome!

I am
Herikc Brecher

Data Scientist

About me
About me
Profile Picture

I am fascinated by computers, I am constanly looking always to understand patterns within large volumes of data and the processing limits of machines.

Through the application of statistical and mathematical concepts, as well as programming techniques, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.

By using these techniques, it is possible to extract valuable information from data that was previously not valuable. Using this information, it is possible to create graphics dashboards, indicators, and other visualizations. In order to effectively convey the information and facilitate understanding.


I adopt a T-shaped approach because I believe that the ability to produce effective and efficient solutions depends on a strong foundation of diverse knowledge and expertise.

  • Name: Herikc Brecher
  • Occupation: Data Scientist

Technical Skills

Below, I have listed my skill levels with the most popular technologies currently in demand on the job market:


My credentials

Throughout my career, I have gained valuable experience and achieved the following milestones:


Academic Formations

Bachelor Degree

February, 2018 - December, 2022

Computer science

The Bachelor of Computer Science was an extensive course of 5 years that provided a comprehensive education covering technical areas such as logic, data structures, algorithm optimization, and computer architecture, in addition to covering the people side, including the application of agile methodologies, project management, and project pipeline on both the managerial and technical sides.


September, 2020 - February, 2022

Data Science

I received my Data Scientist certification from Data Science Academy, one of the top institutions in the field of data science in Brazil. My training focused on learning about data pipelines, including building data architecture, data mining, data analytics, machine learning models, KPIs, reports, and dashboards. This comprehensive training was designed to prepare me for a successful career as a professional in the job market.


Check out some of my projects

Now that you know a little about me, I would like to present some of the projects I've worked on. If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to exchange ideas about any of them, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Nikola Tesla


What can I do for you?

These are some fields in which I can utilize my skills to provide efficient and effective solutions to challenges you may face.


Complete projects


Ongoing projects


Ongoing studies


Crazy ideas


Number of coffees taken


Work hours


It will be an honor to be able to help you!